Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Gabriel Harvey, 1552-1631: Sonnet XXII

SOME Tales to tell, would I a Chaucer were :
Yet would I not euen now an Homer be :
Though Spencer me hath often Homer term'd :
And Monsieur Bodine vow'd as much as he.
Enuy, and Zoilus, two busy wightes :
No petty shade of Homer can appeere,
But he the Diuell, and she his Dam display :
And Furies fell annoy sweete Muses cheere.
Nor Martins I, nor Counter-martins squibb :
Enough a doo to clere my simple selfe :
Momus gainst Heauen ; and Zoilus gainst Earth,
A Quipp for Gibeline : and whip for Guelph.
    Or purge this humour: or woe-worth the State,
    That long endures the one, or other mate.


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